A consistent user journey across all touchpoints: welcome to service design!

Your challenge: boost customer satisfaction with a consistent, positive user experience

Customer satisfaction is your most precious asset – because you know that only satisfied customers lead to conversions. And only satisfied customers develop a true long-term bond with your company, product or brand. But you also know that the only way to ensure customer satisfaction is by offering a consistently positive User Experience throughout the entire user journey. Online and offline. In the spotlight and behind the scenes.

Our response: simple services and processes that your customers really want

Our Service Design specialists bring your company's processes together, creating a harmonious whole encompassing both your customers’ and employees’ experiences – whether they are looking for a product on your website, calling your customer services or physically going into a shop. And that’s not all: service design also tackles internal processes. What are your employees’ needs? How can processes be made simpler? This holistic approach kills two birds with one stone: increasing satisfaction among your customers and employees, and boosting efficiency for your company.

What we do

Transforming lots of individual components into a harmonious whole is what we do. Insights from business management, psychology, sociology, and design thinking methods all help us understand your customers and employees better. Our service design workshops and sprints form the core of this work. We really love workshops! They enable us to work closely with you and your customers to identify all your touchpoints and develop ideas for how to make them more consistent and valuable. How? Through user journeys, service design blueprints, prototyping and ongoing user testing with your customers and employees. And once this is done, we start planning the next step: turning your ideas into a reality using design and development sprints.

The pay-off

Real added value for your customers and employees. However, this can all seem a bit abstract, so let us be more specific: we ensure that your services are viewed as consistent, simple and positive, boosting customer satisfaction and thus also your success. Internally, silos are broken down, collaboration becomes smoother and workloads are reduced. And as if that wasn’t enough, there’s no better way to gain valuable insights into your target group, your services, and how you should orientate your business in the future.

Our offer

  • Service Design Workshops

    In co-creation workshops, we develop ideas for your digital services, test them and design your business case.

  • Service Design Sprint

    In two to four weeks, we will work out the prerequisites to get started in the project – from the functioning product idea through prototypes to technical clarifications and the Product Backlog.

  • Individual

    Would you like more customer focus in the field of digitization? We will go on the way together with you.

Liip Expert

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