Found some time to make the Swiss Top 100 Blogs list more dynamic. You can sort now by Technorati Rank, incoming blogs and incoming links (even though the list will be more or less the same) and there's a direct link to the Technorati page for each blog.

I also added a cronjob for automatically updating the list every morning. Currently there are 450 blogs in my database. If it gets over 500 (the data is automatically imported from‘s OPML file), it will take 2 days for some blogs to be updated, as Technorati only allows 500 queries per day. But the script is smart enough to update first the blogs, which couldn't be queried the day before, so until we have a 1000 blogs it will take max. 2 days for each blog to be updated :)

Update: Cool, Niall Kennedy from Technorati doubled our API limit, so that the above “it takes 2 days” talking is no longer valid (at least for a longer time). Thanks a lot and I didn't even ask them, they came by themselves and wrote the good news into the comments.

Update II: They even mentioned my little project on their devblog.