Full service: from vision to product

Today, B2B customers increasingly expect web services to be more than just appealing. User friendliness coupled with first-rate user experience are now top of the wish list. With this in mind, Raiffeisen decided to overhaul the design of its Business MemberPlus portal. It immediately brought Liip’s interaction designer on board.
Given that the requirements of and services for corporate clients differ from those of private customers, a way had to be found of integrating the business area into the existing platform memberplus.raiffeisen.ch, without compromising the needs of either group, while still offering first-rate user experience all round. Liip therefore completely overhauled the existing platform while leaving the complex functionalities that were already in place untouched.
Prior to the relaunch, Liip implemented the new Raiffeisen web design and called on the foundation “Access for all” to check that the new site was 100% accessible. Throughout this extensive process, the Liip team received fantastic support from an interaction designer working in Raiffeisen’s in-house style-guide team.

Adding functionalities one step at a time

Raiffeisen and Liip chose to apply the agile project management process Scrum. In practice, this involved both project teams sitting down together to thrash out the product requirements in the form of user stories. To start with, the product owner at Raiffeisen drew up a preliminary list before prioritising the user stories in the product backlog. Then, the project team got going on refining these requirements over and over again. Thanks to this groundwork, the actual development part of the project was under way within a very short space of time.
Another fantastic advantage of Scrum is that functionalities could be added at the end of every fortnightly iteration. To ensure that the project team were on the right track, representatives from Raiffeisen’s corporate clients were invited to a live demo. The open feedback round helped to spot any misunderstandings early on and take the necessary steps to correct them. As a result, the product backlog was constantly being adapted and reprioritised, with all changes directly accounted for in the next iteration, or “sprint”.
Thanks to the Scrum approach, Liip was able to completely rebuild the existing MemberPlus-platform in a series of two-week spurts, and add the business functions incrementally.

A closely-knit, agile team

The Raiffeisen-Liip team had all the skills and expertise needed to ably shepherd the Business MemberPlus project from start to finish.
Out went laborious conference calls and email exchanges; in came daily face-to-face meetings, with every decision reached in a spirit of partnership and cooperation.
Thanks to this constructive approach, Liip and Raiffeisen have succeeded in creating an attractive, user-friendly and accessible platform, all within the space of a mere nine months.
But that’s not the end of it. Since the go-live in early September, Raiffeisen and Liip have continued to work on developing the platform further. Together, and in partnership.

Raiffeisen Schweiz
Stimmt (User Research)