Two topics which popped up lately on the Swiss Blogosphere, about “We didn't really understand all that blogging stuff” :)

The “Arbeitgeber-Verband Basel” (Employer Association Basel) opened up a blog some weeks ago. They discuss some controversial topics there (like the genetically modified food initiative we have to vote about soon). Nice idea and it seems to work. Although, the funny thing is, that they close the comments on weekends. Because they can't monitor the comments during that time, or to put it in their words:

ÃƓbers Wochenende werden wir die Kommentarfunktion ausschalten. Wir tun dies, weil wir unser Weblog Samstag und Sonntag nicht ĂƒÂŒberwachen können. Die Bloggergemeinde wird verstehen, dass wir das Risiko, mit unliebsamen EintrÀgen zugemĂƒÂŒllt zu werden, nicht eingehen möchten.

I really LMAOed, because the same time, we have to vote about the GMO stuff, Switzerland also votes about relaxing the rules on “work on Sunday” for shops in and near rail-stations. Which the Employer Association of course supports. But looks like that should only apply to low-wage jobs
 And they not only turn off the “make a new comment” feature, but “remove” all the comments made. Today, they appeared again. But that's maybe just a technical limitation of their blog software (Flux CMS could handle something like that easily, of course :) )

Update: An interview with Manfred Messmer from arbeitgeberbasel-Blog on

Via Blog and

The other topic: The largest Swiss internet provider Bluewin is offering now also free blogs. But their rules are “interesting”:

First, you have to apply for an account and state what you want to blog about. It then has to be approved by someone.

Second, you have to blog at least once a week, otherwise they'll close your account:

Die Kunden verpflichten sich, ihren Bluewin Weblog regelmÀssig (im Schnitt mindestens einmal pro Woche) zu aktualisieren. Die Kunden unterrichten Swisscom Fixnet selbstÀndig und im voraus, wenn sie ihren Bluewin Weblog nicht mehr betreiben oder aktualisieren wollen.

And last, but not least, you're not allowed to blog bad things about Swisscom:

DarĂƒÂŒber hinaus unterlassen die Kunden das Anbieten und die Verlinkung von folgenden Inhalten:

– Inhalte, welche dem Image von Swisscom Fixnet oder der Swisscom Gruppe schaden können;

But why go through all that hassle, when there are many many free blog hosters out there, which don't have so strict rules?
