Senior Software Engineer
St. Gallen

I'm a Software Engineer who likes to understand the entirety of the stack. Everything from Frontend, to Backend, to AI, to DevOps is interesting to me, as long as it involves some form of programming 😉.
I studied Software Engineering at ZHAW in Winterthur. I teach Security, Databases, Javascript and PHP at Web Professionals and organise the Webnesday - a bi-monthly Meetup in St. Gallen.
Away from work, I really enjoy traveling the world and expanding my knowledge in personal finance topics.
I am active in the delivery of Custom Development and Artificial Intelligence.
Articles by Pascal
5 ways to find bugs
A self-service solution without reinventing the wheel
WebSpeech APIs
Webnesday St. Gallen
Open Source
Resizing images with Javascript
My day at Liip
Supercharge your mobile development with BDD in the Cloud