What it’s all about

To do good work, you need the right tools. When it comes to content, this means having intelligent, user-friendly guidelines. They enable your editorial team to produce the best possible content. And at the end of the day, it is their work that will determine whether your users find, read and enjoy your content.

Guidelines that will help your editorial team to work quickly and accurately will include the following tools:

  • Tone of voice and image guidelines – to make your brand stand out
  • Web writing guidelines – because the web has its own rules when it comes to what makes a good read
  • SEO writing guidelines – because Google also reads what you write, but in its own particular way
  • Writing conventions – ‘-ise’ or ‘-ize’? ‘Tue’ or ‘Tues’ for Tuesday? This all has to be defined to make your writing consistent and targeted to your audience
  • Glossary – so your editorial team members do not have to keep reinventing terms that already exist

What you get

Do you need a comprehensive set of rules for your editorial teams around the globe? Or do you need a compass to keep your small team of editorial experts on the right track? We take an in-depth look at your particular situation to determine the right tool for your company or organisation.

We offer you one and image guidelines that will help your brand be successful online. We also provide you with writing guidelines; these come as an HTML page that is always up to date and accessible from anywhere. And to avoid your editorial team having to go through the whole set of guidelines every time, we summarise them on a large poster that you can hang up in the office as a quick reminder. But before we do that we provide you with interactive training sessions, making sure that we deliver these in such a way that they will stay with you for good.

Good to know

Is it useful to hand over a page of rules to your editorial team without any further comments? Definitely not Let’s be honest; no one is going to read them.

This is why we like to include the teams on board from the very beginning. Training sessions are only part of our methods. We also run workshops and conduct user testing or surveys. This way, the editorial team is involved in developing the guidelines. It is important to us that the guidelines are properly taken on board and put into practice daily.