You certainly heard of Google Web Accelerator and why it can cause problems with some web-applications due to its prefetching. I won't go into any details here, it's well covered on other sites. But there's an easy solution to prevent prefetching on your site with the help of mod_rewrite. The following lines will just send a “401 Access


when the “x-moz: prefetch” header is present in the request (and hits an admin area link):

RewriteCond %{HTTP:x-moz} ^prefetch

RewriteRule ^/admin/. – [F,L]

Even though we send now an “Access Denied” to the proxy, it will try to fetch the page again, when the user actually clicks on the link. I'm not sure, if this is how it's supposed to be, but Google says it's their recommended way.

I added this to the standard .htaccess file of BxCMS, even ‘though I can't think of a scenario, where we do content-changing stuff with just a simple GET request (except the logout…). But better play safe than sorry ;)

(Hint found on Planet OSCOM from the SyntaxCMS Blog)

Update: [F] means “403 Forbidden” not “401 Access Denied”. Still not sure, if it's the correct way… Thanks Nico for providing more info on that. I will follow the discussion..