Last week, I was at Drupal Dev Days in Montpellier with a few other Liipers. It was, as often is with such conferences in the Drupal community, greatly encouraging to see the passion and effort of the many Drupal developers there.

Throughout the week, hundreds of people were working on different projects in the “sprints” (as such code-marathons are called in the Drupal community). Drupal 8 core was (unsurprisingly) the biggest group, but there were many other efforts related to Drupal 8. I was primary involved in the Rules for Drupal 8 effort, which was a fairly large group. We managed to get quite a few issues solved, and the road to a user interface for Rules in Drupal 8 was begun, which is one of the biggest outstanding issues.

It was challenging work, at times, but there was a good mood in the group, and the D8rules team were really great at helping beginners getting started, so many thanks to them for that.

I was unfortunately forced to forgo the conference part of the event due to illness, but I hear it was great. In total, I think the organisers of DDD did a great job – especially with the food. So thanks to them as well. See you in the issue queues.