Approximately 3 months ago we started receiving the Swiss weekly economy newspaper Cash by the publishing house Ringier. As far as I can remember, there was an accompanying letter which said, that this was a marketing offer for me to test their paper. Fine, although I didn't read it very often.

Not very surprisingly I got a invoice about a month ago for a yearly subscription, which I kindly ignored. Yesterday, I got a second one and I got annoyed, so I wrote them an email and they apologized for the ā€œmistakeā€ soon after.

I'm wondering now, if they do that ā€œmistakeā€ to other people as well, or if it really was just me. The address they used was clearly from some directory like the yellow pages, because they used exactly the one listed there and we never use that one in any correspondence. If they really try to trick people this way in getting a subscription, that would be very bad for them and their reputation ā€¦