So. The Swiss Blog Awards are over and it was great and I really enjoyed every minute. From the train ride to Biel with Tom, Claudio, Gassi, me and later Roger, to finally meeting Patrice in real life, to “my” Panel with Nick as host and Hannes, Roger and me as “Experts”, to the 2 minutes of fame with the Bloggrrr announcement by Leu and Valentin (and a fast fix for getting the server running, we had to increase some resources of the vserver
) and Hannes as Spassblogger and my 120 seconds about, to the actual ceremonies with the winners, all the small-talks and “ blind-dates” with many people I only knew “online” and finally the way home with Urs, Jürg, Dorian, Sandro, Fredy and many others.

I really want to thank Jan, Böni, Bertrand and all the others who made this happen for their ggrrreat work and the way the whole evening was planned and done. Thank you all. And let's hope there will be a SBAW 2007 :)

PS: Many others blogged of course also about the SBAW. See the planet for some overview.