Bored with reading blog posts which noone else interests? Just want to read, what everyone else is talking about and how they do it? Then look no further than (or as Atom-Feed) :) It just shows all the recent blogposts, which link to the “Top Links last 7 days” from the right side (and the Top Linked-to post itself) and leaves out the boring rest :)

On a more serious side, I added “and” and “or” support to the search queries. For example shows all the blog posts, which link to something with or in their links. Parenthesis don't work yet, btw

If you do a fulltext search, you don't have to add “or” and “and”, eg. “bitflux blogug” searches for all posts containing the word “bitflux” or “blogug”, on the other hand “+bitflux +blogug” searches for all posts, which contain both terms. “and/or” does work, too, but is much slower on the DB server side”

Hope this is useful for your ego-surfing needs, and as always, add “atom/” just before “search/” and you get the Atom feed of the search.