.. and almost everything worked perfect. No server crashs, no overloads, no more phone calls to us yesterday and today and the proxy delivered the pages and images in an instant to everyone. It couldn't have gone better in our opinion and what I heard from the headquarter in Berne, they were very happy with our setup as well.

Here are some statistics ( the website is currently still going strong serves a decent amount of traffic, so these are just intermediate figures):

During the 72 hours, there were:

  • 1274 calls for help
  • 1073 of them were declared “resolved”
  • 426 successmessages
  • ~1700 uploaded pictures (and more coming in), 209 of 500 subscribed projects uploaded approx. 1 GB of fotos
  • 159 background articles (most of them in all three main Swiss languages, therefore it's more like 50 unique articles..)
  • 70 Open Blog posts

Since thursday afternoon the proxy served (according to webalizer):

  • 48 GB of data
  • 40'000 visitors
  • 600'000 page impressions

As we were able to deliver that without having a bottleneck anywhere, we could have served much more pages, if the need would have shown up :)

Interesting are also the user agent statistics:

66% MSIE 6.0

27% Mozilla/5.0

4% MSIE < 6 (incl. IE on Mac)

1% Opera 8.0

0.7% Safari

It looks like Mozilla is making some inroads also in Switzerland, I at least didn't expect such a high number for such a non-techie site. Although you have to keep in mind, that the callcenter and administrators mainly used Firefox (due to our lobbying :)), on the other hand, they didn't use the proxy a lot, but mainly the admin server, which is a different log file

And last, but not least, I want to quote the comment by Leu, made on the initial post to this project:

Endlich mal ein Projekt, dass auch von der Website her geplant wurde
 nicht wie stade de suisse und m-budget-mobile.