Finally, after over a year of developement, we are proud to announce the completely rewritten BXE 1.0.0. See What's New to get an overview of what was improved since the “old” Bitflux Editor.

The 1.0.0 release contains a lot of bugfixes compared to the 0.9.x series, therefore we highly recommend an update. Shouldn't be a big pain, as it's fully backwards compatible.

We'd also like to thank the University of Zurich, the ETH Zurich and Wyona, who made this possible at all.

The changes since the last RC2 are the following:

– Fixed problem with changing block elements, if there's only one

– Fixed “disappearing image” when on last position and hitting return

– Fixed CleanInline for nested inline styles

– Fixed horizontal scrolling on paste

The full Changelog since 0.9.3 can be seen in the NEWS file.

We're already working on the 1.1 release, which will bring some new features and hopefully will be released at the end of this month.

BXE 1.2 is also already in the works with a new XSLT renderer for using your XSLT files instead of pregenerated XHTML. No release date for that yet.

Nevertheless, we will further maintain the 1_0 branch. Critical bug fixes will be also applied to that branch and eventually 1.0.x will be released.